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Nia ... no pain, all gain!


Practiced with bare feet and focus, Nia Technique brings fitness to your Body, Mind and Soul.
Nia Technique® ( was first created in the 1980s by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas. It continues to evolve by Debbie’s constant research and her dedicated team.
Nia amalgates the essences of 9 movment forms to pure Joy of Movement.
Respecting the human anatomy (The Body's Way) and your unique expression of it (Your Body's Way), Nia increases fitness, power, coordination and mobility, while building your resilience and ability to focus.
It is suitable for all sizes, shapes, ages, and backgrounds.
More than that, Nia can be practiced as a lifestyle of Joy - empowering fitness, health, power and beauty.

Watch the video above for a first glimpse into the wealth of benefits from Nia.

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